With the multitude of oral health ailments that can affect your smile at any point in time, there is often only so much you can do to protect your teeth. However, some ailments can be prevented and treated if found in time. An often-hidden oral health condition that can commonly arise is known as bruxism. Bruxism is the act of grinding your teeth unconsciously and typically occurs while you sleep. Because you are often unaware of when it occurs, it can damage your smile for years before you realize what is causing harm to your mouth. Thus, it is important to always look for the signs and symptoms that bruxism may be present.
If you are grinding your teeth at night, or if you often make loud noises, you may be suffering from bruxism. This includes clamping down or clenching your teeth, so speak with a roommate or loved one to if they have ever noticed this symptom present while you sleep. You can also feel pains or sores when you wake up if bruxism is occurring, including tight jaw muscles, tooth sensitivity, facial pain, earaches, headaches, and a locked jaw that won’t fully open or close.
Physical damage is often present when bruxism is occurring as well. When you wake up, inspect your mouth for signs of damage. This includes damage to teeth including unexpected chips or cracks that have no other explanation on how they arose. In addition, if your teeth look flat, fractured, or excessively worn, bruxism may be present. In addition, look for indentations on your tongue and inspect the inner linings of your cheek tissue to determine if chewing or biting is present.
You may be at an elevated risk for bruxism and require a night guard treatment. High Desert Dental is here to help you with all your oral health care needs. For a comprehensive diagnosis from Dr. Trista Pottenger and our team at our dentist office, you can book an appointment by calling us at 208-350-6795. For oral health care treatment from a dentist in Boise, Idaho, call us today.