The way fluoride works is simple. It strengthens your tooth enamel so that your teeth are more resilient to decay and cavities. But how exactly does it make the protective enamel on your teeth get stronger? Every day, your teeth go through natural demineralization and remineralization and during the remineralization process is when the fluoride minerals are deposited into teeth enamel.
Our [dr_type, Dr. Trista Pottenger, stresses the importance of fluoride because it can concentrate in the growing bones and developing teeth of children and help harden the enamel on baby and adult teeth even before they emerge. Additionally, our team here at High Desert Dental in Boise, Idaho, seeks to educate you on how fluoride also works to harden enamel of already developed teeth.
When you eat, your saliva becomes more acidic and this is what causes the demineralization or the dissolving of calcium and phosphorus that keep your teeth strong. When your saliva has been given enough time between meals to become less acidic, the opposite begins to happen. During remineralization, fluoride is absorbed into the enamel and helps it to replenish the lost calcium and phosphorus.
Fluoride stops the tooth decay process in its tracks. There are many healthy ways that fluoride can be introduced to your teeth. Come and visit us or call at 208-350-6795 to schedule an appointment to talk about what fluoride products might work best to improve your oral health and provide your mouth with the cavity-fighting army that it deserves.